Louise Vorster Photography

Riaan & Leandri | Lifestyle

Find joy in yourself, in your home, in your work and in the ordinary.  Then magic will happen in your life.

Meet Riaan, Leandri and Olive.  Special people who came into my life about a year ago.  And now I can call them friends, and Olive.. “cute”…  Leandri (a very talented photographer) asked me to document them in their home, they wanted this session to reflect on who they are and how 2015 will be remembered.  This session came out picturesque!  Thank you Kers family for letting me into not only your home but your life also, so excited for what the future holds.  Biggest thank you to Missy for making Leandri look even more radiant than she already is. xo

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Comments . 11

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11 Responses to Riaan & Leandri | Lifestyle

  1. Melanie 16 . 07 . 2015 at 6:05 am #

    LOVE elke liewe foto Louise! Stunning verby! Wat ‘n beautiful couple

  2. Lindie Meyer 16 . 07 . 2015 at 6:21 am #

    WOWOWOWOWOWOW!!!!! Ongelooflik!!!!

  3. melissa 16 . 07 . 2015 at 6:41 am #

    wow lOUISE. Jys nou maar een maal die beste,

  4. Leonie vorster 16 . 07 . 2015 at 7:00 am #


  5. Louzelle van dyk 16 . 07 . 2015 at 9:07 am #

    Dis die heel mooiste, mense en fotos!

  6. Natja Reney 16 . 07 . 2015 at 11:52 am #

    Ek het nie woorde nie …. cant deal! Die is ongelooflik! te mooi! juLLE MAAK MY SOMMER VERLIEF VOEL!

  7. Rensche Mari 16 . 07 . 2015 at 3:11 pm #

    so Mooi!

  8. Chrisinda 16 . 07 . 2015 at 4:09 pm #

    Mooiste fotos!! Well done Louise :)

  9. Migneon 17 . 07 . 2015 at 8:57 am #

    Sjoe louise, hierdie is darm maar net sprokiesmoooi!

    Leandri – julle twee is soos puzzle stukkies wat in die hemele al vir mekaar gekerf was! soooo mooi!

  10. Leandri Kers 05 . 08 . 2015 at 2:28 pm #

    Liefste Louise,

    Báie dankie dat jy ons geseën het met die móóiste foto’s en herinneringe – jy is so talentvol!! X

  11. Marli Bssson 16 . 10 . 2015 at 5:55 pm #


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